As my post title says, Thank God It's Friday....this has by far been the longest feeling week since I've been here. I thought the weekend would never come. Along with the weather being all over the place (which hasn't been very good for my sinuses), school and my research are picking up more and more.
Today, Yoonki and I had two more practice interviews (one with Xi from our lab and Karin from Yoonki's other lab). Although they were not the exact type of candidates we would like to interview (preferably looking for those that are experienced with and use on some sort of basis static analysis tools). Both candidates had used static analysis tools before and were aware (for the most part) of what they did, but their usage was minimal. We did, however, get some useful information from the interviews -- I believe we also decided that we like the idea of making the interview "interactive" with portions that allow the interviewee to show us what they do and how they do it as well as give us suggestions on how to improve static analysis tools. We also found out that Dr. Laurie Williams (another professor/research advisor at NC State) is teaching a course where they discuss static analysis tools in relation to software security. We are hoping that with this new found knowledge we'll be able to get more people to interview that fall more into what we're looking for in an interviewee. But overall I'm excited about the way things are going...can't wait to see what's next! :)
In terms of my research paper that I'm working on, I believe I am going to go with the topic of Model-Driven Software Development. I thought about just using my research topic (static analysis tools) for this paper, but even before I came to grad school, my research interest was pertaining to MDD and executable UML (I love me some diagrams and charts). I'm hoping that if this research paper goes well I will be able to use this topic/paper as a beginning to my own research for my Ph.D. As I get more of my paper done, I will be sure to share the problems I run into, my frustrations, etc. with you all (exciting, right? :D )
Although this is a long/holiday weekend, I have a feeling I won't be enjoying much of it -- but ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
So stay tuned...there's definitely more to come.
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