Friday, October 9, 2015

JGit Growing Pains

So, I've been using JGit (I believe a previous blog post talks about this) for about a year now...I need someone to explain to me why I'm just learning how the revert command works for the API!?

Let me break it down...JGit allows you to manipulate repositories from Java. Cool shit right? However, either from my lack of experience with JGit or my (at the time) noob-ish knowledge of Git, I am just learning that revert does not do what I would expect. Take the following code for example...

for (RevCommit rev: revisions){
if (ObjectId.toString(rev.getId()).equals(currentHash)){

Now, as most developers do, I went to the internet to find out how to revert a repository from Java, and this is what I found. Not much more documentation than what you're looking at right here...As I could recall, the way revert worked was that you can revert your repository to any given revision -- because of this I made the silly assumption that the code above would revert the repository to the RevCommit I passed in. Except I was wrong. And I didn't realize I was wrong until the revision I was analyzing did not match up with the revision I was diffing in my code from a file add...

Today, one year later, I have been scouring the internet to find out how this sequence of method calls work together and how, specifically, the include(RevCommit)method works. Does include mean this is the revision I want to revert to? Does it mean I want to revert the changes I made at this revision to the previous revision? Do I need to use more than one include call to revert back more than one revision? All of these are questions I have that unfortunately the interwebs is doing not so great a job of answering.

For those curious, revert (in this context) actually works by reverting the changes made to the RevCommit passed in. So whatever revision gets passed in is reverted to the revision before...which meant, due to my misunderstanding, I was basically doing everything backwards. I'm almost embarrassed it took me so long to realize this problem; until I realize that if there was some clear documentation out there that told me this information I could have discovered this issue earlier (or prevented it all together). For those of you thinking "that couldn't have made that big of a difference"...once I got the revert process correct, I had to restructure the way my code works for some of the new detectors I implemented as well as to detect any sort of pattern removal from the repository.

So my word of advice? If you're using JGit for analyzing source code at each revision in a repository and care about at which revision source code was introduced, know that the revert command should always come AFTER analysis if you care at all about analysis and revisions matching up (which I do). This makes it sound intuitive...but is it? 

Hopefully this helps someone else struggling with this particular feature of JGit. Until next time!

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