Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Finding my voice

For anyone who knows me (personally), you know that I have quite the outgoing personality. My challenge to myself while in Graduate School (besides getting my Ph.D. of course!) is to learn how to use my outgoing personality in an educational setting (aka find my voice). I began thinking about this today in my Software Engineering class (when I realized that a lot of the questions she was asking the class, I knew the answers to but I wasn't saying them)...a huge part of being successful in Grad school seems to involve being able to speak up and speak out. Although when it comes to my personal life I can be very outgoing, when it comes to the classroom I tend to be a little more reserved (which, of course, is not very beneficial to me). It has something to do with confidence issues (being around all these other students that for some reason I feel are more qualified to be here than me), but it's something I'm definitely going to work on!

Also, thought I would share that my new website is up and running! :D You can click here to view it (it's still a work in progress). As times goes by, I plan to make modifications here and there to my website until it exactly how I want it. Any feedback/recommendations are of course welcome!

Another sidenote, my research is really beginning to pick up speed (a little quicker than I thought, but I'm loving it!). After meeting with Dr. E and Yoonki today, we decided it would be best to push forward as soon as possible. As I stated in my first blog, we plan to interview workers at Google about their use of static analysis tools. In order to accomplish this, we have to come up with some predefined interview questions (as well as potential supplementary questions) and practice interviewing with similar interviewees. To start, Yoonki and I are going to put together some interview questions to ask our advisor, Dr. E, and have a practice interview next week. We also hope to get a few more practice interviews in with other avid programmers (the problem is finding these programmers). 

Sidenote .... I really REALLY hope Hurricane Irene doesn't make it here. I am in no way hurricane-trained (even though my boyfriend is). I need sunshine this weekend!! 

Things are starting to pick up speed, so it should be exciting to see what I'm doing next!
Until next time...

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